Hasse Andersson: “Jag älskar livet” out now!


Wrote this song with Eric Palmqwist a while ago. We always had Hasse Andersson in mind for it, and were very happy to hear that he wanted to release it as his summer single! Produced by yours truly.

GRANT: “Truth and Consequence” album out now!


So proud to be a part of GRANT’s 2nd album! It’s been an incredible journey, and the best is yet to come for this outstanding artist. I co-wrote and produced song 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11. If you haven’t checked out GRANT’s music yet, it’s high time! 

GRANT: “Puttin’ On The Titz” out now!


It’s been really busy lately, and for too long I’ve been procrastinating writing about new releases on this website… Anyway, here we go. First: this cover of Irving Berlin’s “Puttin’ On The Ritz”, which we recorded as a theme song for the 2nd season of Cmore’s “Fartblinda”. Produced, arranged, mixed and mastered by yours truly. Check it out!