Edith Backlund – Black hole


The 1st single off Edith’s album “Dance in circles” is called “Black hole”, co-written by Edith and me. I just got the news that it was voted “song of the week” yesterday in radio P4. Great start!


The Ark


2nd single off “Arkeology” – The Ark’s greatest hits album – is “The apocalypse is over”. Don’t know the release date yet, but will keep you posted. Air premiére Monday this week on P3. I really had a brilliant time with Ola and the band co-writing and producing this song – thank you!!/P

The Ark: \”The apocalypse is over\”

VanVelzen “Too good to lose”


Yesterday “Too good to lose”, my latest co-write with my dutch friend VanVelzen, had air premiére on 3FM in Holland… We’re very excited about this song! Video on its way, meanwhile have a listen here…

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w86s2g3GVE8′]
